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Monday, May 2, 2011

Too Much "Christian Stuff" May Have Come My Way Too Fast

I have been doing a lot of thinking about "me" lately and realize that what has happened to me in the past few months may be that too much "Christian stuff" came my way too fast. I think I see why some Jewish believers believe quietly and keep things to themselves. I have to go that route. I just can't "do this" otherwise, but I will keep on blogging...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! Blogging is harding being quiet, my friend. I love your blog. It is inspiring me to do more writing. Try not to think of all this as religion and try not "to do" anything like you are Superman!! If I tried to live the life following Messiah like I was Superman, I'd of given up long ago. I know move and act fast. Hence the coming your way too fast. Might be a good idea just to give up and let God take charge now.
