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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Bad Experience With University School of Colorado Springs

I was told today that my son could not and would NEVER be accepted to a Christian school called The University School of Colorado Springs.

The administration did not even take the time to interview me or my son in person. We are so disappointed. We were just exploring possibilities. It felt like a door was slammed in our face.

I think there might have been some anti-semitism involved with the school director's decision.

She made the statement that the fact he is not a believer and his age was the reason she did not "feel right" about considering my son's application, but I think the fact that our family is Jewish was a factor too.

We will never forget that he wasn't even given a chance to apply.

Something just doesn't seem "right" about the way this was handled.

I was told by the school's director that she just didn't have a good feeling about considering my son's application. My son's feelings are really hurt and he feels now that all Christian schools operate like this school.

There is something true to my son's assumption. I worked for a Christian school after I graduated from college. I was only there for one school year, but the entire experience can be summed up as "NOT GOOD." The administration of the school I worked for didn't act in a godly manner at all.

Now I'm glad my son was not given a chance to even apply to the University School of Colorado Springs. I also don't have any desire to ever again deal with a school that calls itself Christian.

Perhaps one day this school will realize that slamming the door in our face (and probably the faces of other past and future applicants) did nothing but confirm to my son that many Christians do not follow Jesus' example. Does Jesus say, "I don't feel good about you wanting to join me and follow me?" I think not!


  1. You are right! The lady is pompous and unprofessional. This makes me furious. I hope this does not discourage you and that you just fight that much harder to walk towards the JEWISH messiah and redeemer. I think she has forgotten she is grafted into the main root. I am so mad I'm going to make sure she knows what a hypocrite she is. I'll call her myself or sick Bruce on her! Anyhow, these people are wolves in sheeps clothing and we who love God and Messiah have to do damage control. What a waste of time for all of us to deal with these people. Jesus felt the same way when he overturned the moneychangers tables in the Temple. He knew hypocracy when HE saw it. This clearly is the same thing. Move on, don't despair and find people who support you, JoAnn. I am so sorry this had to happen. Our enemy the devil is surely at work to prevent you and your family from knowing the Messiah. ARGHHHHHHHHHH

  2. Now this just frosts me, in fact, I think these folks need to have a civil rights lawyer pay them a visit. I wouldn't blame Christian schools for these folks, though; they don't speak for me, I mean, nobody appointed them the official representatives of all the Christian schools in America.

    They were just plain stupid. If I worked for the school, I would have been thrilled to be able to offer a Jewish family a Christian educational perspective. I would have offered them a doctrinal statement and told that their kids would be exposed to Christian values and a Christian world view. If they weren't comfortable with that, I would have suggested they find another school, but I still wouldn't have turned them down. Think about this from a Christian's point of view: how crazy is it to have a Jewish family voluntarily apply to your school, and yet turn them down? This makes no sense whatsoever.

    Anytime Christians can have an opportunity to be loving ambassadors for Christ to folks who haven't had that experience, they should go for it. This is what makes so little sense to me. These people should have done exactly what Jesus did; call Jewish people to come and follow Him. He was no respecter of persons, He had prostitutes, tax collectors, Jews and Gentiles among his followers. They all had the same voluntary opportunity to either follow him or turn away. Some did turn away, but that's the risk you take when you give people the freedom to either follow or turn aside.
