Last week, I found out that Holly Meyer, who was only 54 years old, lost her battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and died on Thanksgiving eve. She left behind a her husband of over twenty years, Stan, and her adopted daughter, Carrie-Fu (who is only 7 years old).
I really didn't know Holly or Stan all that well. I just knew them because my husband and I once worked for the same religious organization that they worked for.
I don't like to bring up that organization in public. In fact, most of the time, especially in my hometown, I act like I am clueless about that organization. My "I'm just plain Jewish" personality pretends I don't know anything about that organization, but not only was that organization a part of my life, many of the people were once like family to me.
I once led a cause to expose the wrongs of that group. I even started a website that was meant to hurt that organization.
It's such a long story about how that cause ended. I apologized.
I moved on, but the website stayed. When no one wanted to pay the fees to maintain the site, the website left the internet, but the original website's information and links and stories was copied by someone I don't know the identity of.
At this time, the information that was on that "copy-cat web site" has been taken down. All that once was there and is now just a tribute and memory to Holly Meyer.
Right now, that website has nothing negative to say about the organization. Who cares about such trivial things when someone who spent all those years there dies of such an awful disease and leaves a young child behind?
I tried to comment on the blog part of that website, but the comment feature doesn't work, so I'm going to have to put my comment here.
This was what I was going to say in the comments section:
I don't believe anyone has ever commented on this blog without being anonymous. I am going to be the first.
I haven't visited this blog in a very long while, but last week, someone contacted me and asked if I knew who might be behind it.
I have no idea. For the record, I have nothing to do with this blog or the site. It's probably best I don't know who is behind this blog and the site.
Anyway...I keep a personal religious blog. I know Blogger has generic backgrounds, but last week, the background of this blog looked like my personal religious blog.
I changed the background right away on my personal blog. I do not want anyone to even think for a moment that I'm the person behind this blog.
Changing the subject, I am very sad to hear of Holly Meyer's passing. There is a beautiful video in her memory, that I believe is appropriate to share here:
Beautiful Holly video
November 28, 2011