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Friday, September 16, 2011

What If a Reality Show About My Figure Skating Family Became a Reality?

There's a rumor out there that Lifetime Television is going to air a new reality show that follows a figure skating family. I always take rumors half-way seriously, but when the news came out, I did send my own figure skating family's application in.

Less than 24 hours later, I was contacted by a "Casting Associate" and a phone meeting and interview was set up. The meeting was fun for me, but exhausting and I do believe it went well.

The next step is for my children to meet with this "casting associate"via Skype. That's supposed to happen sometime next week.

I've been told that the children's coaches and skating club will be contacted. The show is still in the pilot or idea stage from what I can tell.

I do admit that my family is a perfect choice for a show like this.

My enthusiasm about figure skating is infectious and our dedication to the sport is not only interesting, but entertaining!

My father had already told me that people log into Facebook every day to find out what the "next episode" of "The Skating Schneider-Farris Family" is! This would just give us more followers and fans! My 4,000 plus skating YouTube videos that I already have uploaded of my kids would be watched more.....

What could only be an idea at the moment, may actually turn into a reality. The idea that my dedication and my family's dedication to figure skating would be shown on national television is rather exciting! It would be great fun I think and it would also be great as far as promoting figure skating in general and what I write on!


I've also been told that reality TV puts one's entire life on display. Would I want the entire world to know about my spiritual search? I've made it public here on this blog, but do I want to make it even more public?

I'm not sure I know the answer to that question. In fact, I still don't really know what I believe. I thought I did, but...why does my thoughts on who God is change all the time?

I do know that I very much believe in God. It's just, which God? Sometimes it seems to me that the Jewish G-d is very, very different than the Christian God. I've been told it's the same God, but I'm not really so sure about that.

I believe that if G-d wishes for my family's life to be shown on television, that it would be a good thing. If how my family worships God is highlighted, that too, would be a good thing. If the world hear's about Jo Ann's spiritual search, I believe that would be a good thing too...

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