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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear God...From JO ANN

Dear God:

Yesterday, I read in The God Upgrade, that the author has a friend who writes letters to God in her journal, so I thought I'd write you today.

First of all, I have determined that I very much believe in you. I am not so sure that there's just one way to know you though. You are just so big and so huge that sometimes it is hard to figure out exactly who or what you really are.

I do feel your presence especially when I'm out in the Colorado outdoors or when I walk on a California beach. Sometimes, at night, when I'm alone in bed, I think only about you.

I read in The God Upgrade that Jews don't talk about their relationship with you when they are together; they talk about their relationship of being together as one big Jewish family. That seems to be what I certainly like to do...I like being with my Mispochah....that is Jewish family. I love celebrating the Jewish holidays. I love passing my love of Judaism on to my children.

There's so much I don't understand though. Why do you allow good things and bad things? Why do so many people say you are not real? Why do others say that they have a very personal relationship with you? I just don't get it.

I have lots of concerns that I want to ask you about, but talking to you directly is not really a Jewish thing. I'm going to give that a "go" anyway.

I am worried about our family's financial situation. I've read reports of how you've come through in that area. Lately, I've been so worried about money that I haven't slept well. I've woken up at night and asked for your help. Please, God, provide for my family's needs. Help me to stop worrying about money and help me sleep.

Also, please guide and watch over my children. Help them as they grow into adulthood. Guide them and help them know you are there. May their lives be worthy of praise.


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