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Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Crazy and "Perhaps Mixed-Up" Spiritual Adventures of Jo Ann Schneider Farris

Let's see if I can outline my spiritual journey in one blog post:


I meet Born-Again Christians at Colorado College. They take me to see a 2nd Chapter of Acts Concert. Then, a day or so later, I ask them why Christians are so nice. They think that means I'm open to hearing about Jesus and the next thing I know, I'm praying a "Sinner's Prayer." I have no idea what they said or explained to me when I said that prayer. That "sinner's prayer" never "took," but a few months later, I decide to give "this Christian stuff" a try. So during my last semester at Colorado College, I go to bible studies on campus and even get baptized.


On the recommendation of my college friends, it is suggested I find a Christian community in California and move there. I visit Keith Green's commune, but decide not to do that since I didn't want to quit my job. I move in with some people from Jews for Jesus, am introduced to Vineyard and Calvary Chapel through Jews for Jesus, and begin going to Calvary Chapel of Long Beach. I meet my husband, Dan (who became a believer through the Jesus Movement) at Calvary Chapel and also get a job at a Christian School.


I marry Dan Farris. Shortly after that, I'm "fired" from the Christian school. I was told "God opens doors and closes doors; consider this door closed."

To save money, we move into The Atherton House after we've been married only three weeks and live in what is a bit like a Christian commune for the first three years of our marriage.


Dan and I become official volunteers, Co-Laborers with Jews for Jesus.


From 1983 to 1988, teaching skating takes over my time and Dan and I rarely go to church, but volunteer consistently with Jews for Jesus.

In early 1988, I get into a huge disagreement with the rink manager I work under and quit my job. In response, I do a lot of letter writing that causes him damage. I "repent" and seek God when I realize the damage I have done.

Dan and I then go on staff with Jews for Jesus. I am now a missionary with Jews for Jesus, but I think that G-d is punishing me for the "wrongs" I have done by putting me in that job. Being a missionary is hard and I hate and dread the work, but feel that I must do it because I'm being punished by God. I do all I am asked to do because I truly believe I must serve in that capacity to work off the damage I did to that rink manager.

During JFJ 1988 Summer Campaign, I begin to question what I am doing on the streets of NYC passing out tracts. I am not sure I believe in what I am doing at all. I have no idea what the gospel is all about, but learn all the "lingo" and am able to "share the gospel" by memorizing what to say. I still know no bible at all. I don't even know what or why I believe.


I am in a terrible car accident while speaking in churches for Jews for Jesus in Minnesota. I want out of JFJ. I get out of 1989 Summer Campaign, take a leave of absence to get away from the "dreaded" missionary work, and get fired by Moishe Rosen after the leave of absence. When I was fired, I also thought "God fired me." I was sure God had left me.

I continue to do Christ in the Passover presentations for Jews for Jesus (I really enjoyed giving that presentation) as a volunteer. One day at a presentation in Sacramento, a rabbi approaches me and says, "These people are not your friends. Come back to Judaism." I realize I wanted to do just that!


Dan and I move to Colorado Springs. I know "Christian Lingo" so well, I easily get a job at Focus on the Family. During my time at Focus, I begin to really want out of the Christian world, but can't figure how since I'm married to a Christian.


Shortly after I had my second baby, I decide I no longer want to go to church and want to be "Just Plain Jewish."


My husband tells me he no longer believes in God. Together, we write out our Ex-Tian-Monies and think we've "buried" them on the internet, but we don't know our stories were found by people that used to work for Jews for Jesus.

Dan and I raise our three children as secular Jews and try to forget all memories of our "past life." We pretend it never existed. We pack up our bibles and Christian books and records.


I start the ex-jewsforjesus email mailing list and it eventually becomes a cause and fight. I even write a book that tells my story. I truly believed I was called by God (like Moses) to lead and fight that cause.


The ex-jfj cause falls apart. I "repent" again and tell people I'm sorry, but that doesn't last for long. During that time, Moishe tells me that I never was "saved."

In response to the confusion I experienced when the ex-jfj cause fell apart, I begin seeking G-d in Judaism. I begin studying with Partners and Torah, Jews for Judaism, and Chabad.


My husband almost dies in a horrible accident. I cry out to God and believe Dan's accident is a way of punishing me again. I try to "repent" again. I ask people of all faiths to pray for Dan. He recovers miraculously. I believe it is miracle.


I travel to Maryland with my kids for a skating ice dance camp and looked up a friend of mine who is still a Jews for Jesus missionary. I tell her I consider myself a secular Jew, but if Jesus is really the Messiah, I want to leave that door open and consider it. She begins meeting with me once a week via Skype.


I pray a "sinner's prayer" with Lynn, but a little over a month later I realize that I like being Jewish and "I can't do this." In response, I try as hard as possible to seek G-d as a Jew, but continue meeting with Lynn to keep the "door open."


As time passes, I get to the point where I decide G-d doesn't even exist. I stopped seeking G-d as a Jew. I stopped seeking God at all in fact. That was a very dark and "scary" time.


Some things happen in my life that not only convince me that God exists, but that Jesus is God and is the Messiah! Long Live God!

What's Next for JO ANN?

Can I follow through? Can I not "turn back?" I don't know what will happen next and what is in store for me, but I think I will write a book that will give more details of my story. Keep me in your prayers.

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