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Thursday, October 13, 2011


I saw this poem on Facebook, and I've decided to comment on it here.

The first line is:

"Thanks to those who hated me, you made me stronger."

Well, I'm not sure if anyone has ever hated me personally. How would I know? People don't usually approach you directly and say, "I hate you." They may not like what you are about or what you stand for, but hate is such a strong emotion.


I'll skip commenting on that line and comment on the rest of this poem.
  • Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart go fonder.
  • Thanks to those who cared, you made me feel important.
  • Thanks to those who entered into my life, you made who I am today.
  • Thank to those who left, you showed me that nothing lasts forever.
  • Thanks to those who stayed, you showed me true friendship.
  • Thanks to those who listened, you made me like I was worth it.
These are really nice thoughts.

I hold on to friendships. I remember someone told me once that I hold on too long and too tight. Instead of "letting go," I hold on. I don't like good-byes.

I've been advised recently and I was advised long ago that I need to let go of certain people that think about God in a different way than I do. I keep thinking about that advice. I just can't do that...I just can't.

Since I can't let go...I keep trying to please those I care about. I don't want to disappoint those who care about me. It's hard to know which "road" to take.

What's happened in my spiritual search won't go away and I just want to say "Thanks" to everyone who has touch my life. I know you are there and I do appreciate you!

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to say something about the part where you were told to let got of people because they were a different religion. Religion, lately, has been the thing that causes war. Don't let go people just because they're a different religion. Hold on to them, care for them like you would if they were anyone else. Just because they're a different religion, doesn't mean that inhuman. They're still people like you and me.
