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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Leonard Nimoy’s Mr. Spock’s Live Long and Prosper Came From the Aaronic Priestly Blessing!

At today’s (6/11/2022) Temple Israel Long Beach’s Torah Study I learned the Leonard Nimoy’s “Live Long And Prosper” hand sign came right out of the Jewish Aaronic Priestly Blessing!  How cool is that!

See the the story I pasted below from Rabbi Fox’s study notes.

By the way, I can only “do” the “Live Long and Prosper” hand thing with my right hand.  I wonder how rabbis are able to do it with both hands?

Leonard Nimoy

I grew up in an interesting inner-city neighborhood in Boston. The area was known as the West End and was written about in a book called the Urban Villagers. It was a desirable area since it was within walking distance of downtown Boston and the Boston Commons, as well as being situated along the banks of the Charles River.

The population was mostly immigrants. Maybe 70% Italian and 25% Jewish. My family attended services in an Orthodox Jewish Synagogue, or “Shul.” We were especially attentive to the high holidays, Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

Since I was somewhat musical, I was hired as a young boy to sing in choirs for the holidays and I was therefore exposed to all of the rituals firsthand. I still have a vivid memory of the first time I saw the use of the split-fingered hands being extended to the congregation in blessing.

There were a group of five or six men facing the congregation and chanting in passionate shouts of a Hebrew benediction. It would translate to “May the Lord bless you and keep you,”…etc.

My Dad said, “Don’t look.”

I learned later that it is believed that during this prayer, the “Shekhina,” the feminine aspect of God comes into the temple to bless the congregation. The light from this Deity could be very damaging. So we are told to protect ourselves by closing our eyes.

I peeked.

And when I saw the split-fingered gesture of these men... I was entranced. I learned to do it simply because it seemed so magical.

It was probably 25 years later that I introduced that gesture as a Vulcan greeting in Star Trek and it has resonated with fans around the world ever since. It gives me great pleasure since it is, after all, a blessing.

  • What is the reason that Leonard Nimoy decided in the end to look at the gesture?
  • What allowed that moment and that gesture to stay with him so many years later?  Is there something to the hand gesture that lends itself to being remembered?
  • What rituals remain strong in your memory?  What do you think caused them to impact you in such a strong way?

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