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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Thoughts After 5-2-17 Torah Study at Temple Shalom

I really like going to Torah studies.  One reason is that Jewish learning involves discussion.  It is just so fun!  It is just so much more interesting than listening to a speaker.  The interaction involved in Jewish study seems to be almost addicting!  I love it.

Yesterdays Torah study at Temple Shalom was wonderful since there was just so much discussion, questioning, and sharing.  What also made it extra special was that my dad and daughter Annabelle were there.  We sat together side by side and learned together.  Someone suggested that we take a "selfie" of us studying together and I'm sorry we didn't do that.

Rabbi Glazer talked about how passing Jewish tradition and teachings from generation to generation is so important   We all realized that as we studied together!

We talked how Moses had been told by God that Joshua would now lead the Jewish people.  We talked about how leadership in many instances is passed on to the next generation or from an older leader to a younger leader.  We talked about how leaders become strong and courageious as they learn under leaders.  I shared about my favorite movie Prince of Egypt, and how I saw that in that wonderful cartoon movie.

We also talked about how Jewish people seem to feel like family even when they are strangers!  We talked about how our children became to love Jewish tradition even when they were pre-schoolers. We talked about how even secular Jews and those with no religious education seem to keep that "Jewish spark" inside of them and eventually want to learn about their heritage and religion.

I left in such a great mood and I also realized that there is truly no place like "home."

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